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May 20, 2019
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for May 19-25 is Thea Manuel
from the U15 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Brayden Verkland, Koden Ulmer, Justin Beamish & Taylor Desilets)
May 20, 2019
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for May 12-18 is Jaiden Newborn
from the U17 Boys!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Zach Herman, Devon Hay, Alex Sinclair, Arwen Nagel & Rory Berry)
May 13, 2019
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for May 5-11 is Arwen Nagel
from the U15 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Grayson Mottershead-Yee, Carter Fobes, Zoey Lefevre & Kaleb Wasylewick)
May 6, 2019
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 29-May 4 is Jordyn Londeau
from the U17 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Seth Mottershead-Yee, Erica Berger,
Josiah Raju)
April 29, 2019
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 22-28 is Fred Burvill
from the U15 Boys B!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Jack Ubbing, Erica Berger, Cole
McCulloch & Landon Stevenson)
April 22, 2019
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 15-21 is Gavin Beamish
from the U13 Boys!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Logan Young, Delaney Weiss, Alex
Sinclair, Josee White & Arnold Verge)
April 15, 2019
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 8-14 is Bradley Fobes
from the U15 Boys A!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about her highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Kyler Matwie, Jeorgia Schmidt, Gaven
Jesse, Jennelle Russell & Riley Jomha)
April 8, 2019
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 1-7 is Austin Webster
from the U15 Boys B!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about her highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Jacob Benson, Abby Campbell, Devon
Hay, Alyssa Russell
& Tanner Beniuk)
Jan 21, 2019
- Registration
is now available for
Spring Camps and Teams for 2019! The schedules are still in
process of being put together, so there are many details still to be
determined, but it should be ready within the next couple weeks.
Keep your eyes on the website for updates.

June 13, 2018
- Congratulations to Jessica Yerichuk
and Kylee Hammel for winning the "Rocket
Award" this year! A $1000 scholarship for
post-secondary education. Click on "Rocket Award" to read what it
is about.
May 31, 2018
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for May 21-30 is Hanna Brushey
from the U15 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Austin Webster, Eric Ainslie-O'Connor,
Emily Megill & Arnold Verge)
May 20, 2018
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for May 14-20 is Justin Beamish
from the U13 Boys!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Jeorgia Schmidt & Tanner
May 13, 2018
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for May 7-13 is Alyssa Russell
from the U17 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Fred Burvill, Mya Becker, Kaleb
Wasylewick & Coby Gamboa)
May 6, 2018
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 30-May 6 is Konner McMillan
from the U15 Boys!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Kirk Tucker, Arwen Nagel, Jaiden
Newborn & Claire Schneider)
April 30, 2018
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 23-29 is Arnold Verge
from the U17 Boys!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Justin Beamish, Ethan Saskiw, Delaney
Weiss & Alyssa Russell)
April 23, 2018
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 16-22 is Alex Sinclair
from the U13 Boys!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Teressa Fonstad, Hayley Campbell and
Lucas Wendt)
April 17, 2018
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 9-15 is Lilly Houcher
from the U15 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about her highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Kayla Foisy, Fred Burvill, Bradley
Olsen and Riley Jomha)
April 11, 2018
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 1-8 is Jessica Yerichuk
from the U17 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about her highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Hanna Brushey, Jordan Kasowski
& Tanner Beniuk)
March 12, 2018
- There is still plenty of spots
available in Intro, Junior and Senior camps but only a few left on the
U17 girls team. Here is what is available on the teams.
- U13 Girls - no team this year
- U13 Boys - FULL
- U15 Girls - FULL
- U15 Boys - FULL
- U17 Girls - 5 spots
- U17 Boys - FULL
Jan 17, 2018
- Registration
is now available for
Spring Camps and Teams for 2018! The schedules are still in
process of being put together, so there are many details still to be
determined, but it should be ready within the next couple weeks.
Keep your eyes on the website for updates.
May 22, 2017
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for May 15-22 is Rianna Sundlie from
the U15 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about her highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Ethan Wilson, Justin Beamish, Ashley
Howden, Teressa Fonstad & Eric George)
May 15, 2017
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for May 8-14 is Maria Brouwer from
the U17 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about her highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Matthew Fischer, Alex Sinclair, Ariana
Dodds, Emily Megill and Jakob Hoople)
May 8, 2017
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for May 1-7 is Emma Dowhaniuk from
the U13 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about her highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Gavin Barron, Alease MacDougall and
Caitlin Schultz)
May 1, 2017
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 24-30 is Lucas Wendt from the
U15 Boys!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about her highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Kyryn Hamilton, Liam Cochrane,
Alexandria McKay, Henriette Akkerman & Teressa Fonstad!!)
April 24, 2017
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 17-23 is Jasmynn Barendregt
from the U17 Girls B!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about her highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Cade Finlayson, Fred Burvill, Summer
Hoover, Chelsea Schultz and Alyssa Russell!
April 17, 2017
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 10-16 is Marko Djordjevic
from the U13 Boys W!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about his highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Austin Webster, Emma Dowhaniuk, Riley
Jomha, Haylee Yellowbird and Hannah Grantham)
April 10, 2017
- Pizza73 Player
of the week for April 3-9 is Hayley Campbell from
the U13 Girls!! Click on Player
of the week
to read about her highlights as well as player highlights from the rest
of the Rockets teams! (Gavin Beamish, Kailer Mills, Rianna
Sundlie, Callin Harris, Maria Brouwer and Avery Levirs)
March 17, 2017
- Registration
is now available for
Spring Camps and Teams for 2017! The schedules are now set
and we
are excited to get the season under way! Check out the camps
and the teams page to check out the details!
- Intro Camp (grade 2-4)- FULL
- Junior Camp (grade 5-7) - FULL
- Senior Camp (grade 8-9) - 20 spots
- U13 Boys - FULL
- U13 Girls - 4 spots
- U15 Boys - FULL
- U15 Girls - FULL
- U17 Girls - 8 spots
January 23, 2017
- Registration
is now available for
Spring Camps and Teams for 2017! The schedules are still in
process of being put together, so there are many details still to be
determined, but it should be ready within the next couple weeks.
Keep your eyes on the website for updates.

June 12, 2016
- There is still plenty of room left
in Summer Camp July 4-8!
- Introductory (Grades 2-4)
12:30-3:30 $85 - 10
spots left
- Junior (Grades 4-7) 8:30-3:30 $235 - 10 spots left
- Intermediate (Grades 7-8)
- 20 spots left
- Senior (Grades 8-9) 8:30-3:30 $235 - 15 spots left
- Advanced (Grades 10-12) 8:30-3:30
- 20 spots left
- Registration page is here
- More info can be found here
April 12, 2016